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美中華聯舉辦除夕狂 FUN餐舞會          聯合西北等六間大學共襄盛舉


最美嘉賓Miss Macro


The Prize


$200 Cash and Prize.


The Judge


All the audiences are the judges.  One vote from one table will be made.  The candidate with the largest vote in quantity will win.


The Contest Details


Must be Chinese female.

Must be at least 18 years old.

Need to perform one talent show on her choice.

Could do the following voluntary tasks to let the audience get acquainted her:

·         Greeting guests and social-chatting

·         Selling raffle tickets

·         Raffle drawing

Sign up


Please fill out the following basic information, return it to admin@macrogroup.org  by the party date. (or hand it to CM Lei during the party.)

  • Name in English:__________________
  • Name in Chinese:_________________
  • Sex: F 
  • Age: _____ 
  • Email Address: __________________
  • Tel: ___________________________



There were 6 contestants competing this title.  The winner is Helen Wang (王鶴) who is currently a student.






2001,9-2005,7 中國傳媒大學(原北京廣播學院)

播音與主持藝術專業 學士學位

2004年12月   中國中央電視臺<挑戰主持人> 2004年年度冠軍

2007年10月19日  獲得“奧克拉荷馬城大學國際小姐

2007年8月- 今  碩士在讀

2007年12月-今  新亞電視 主播 www.suncastv.com









Copyright 2001 Macrogroup. All rights reserved
The Page Last Modified: 01/19/2008